United States Geological Survey
Science for a changing world.
Document MR-662514
Current version. Additional errata require form C.
Written by USGS Researcher Truman.
Classified. Not for public release.
This document collates overview information on what is colloquially referred to as the Mount Rushmore Incident. All information in this document is classified and is not to be released to the public unless declassified by the department of the interior.
In the 1500s, an indigenous tribe of what is now known as the Black Hills in South Dakota mapped a previously uncharted area of Lakota country, which included a mountain range that would later be known as Mount Rushmore. Historical accounts of this survey name the mountain range Tȟuŋkášila Šákpe, a Lakota name which translates to "Six Grandfathers".
After the discovery and rough survey of the mountain by the Lakota people, the tribe's wičháša wakhá, often incorrectly translated as "medicine man", sensed a great force slumbering deep in the mountain. The tribe established a settlement near the mountain, roughly in the place of the current-day town of Keystone, South Dakota.
The settlement flourished, with many Lakota and other Sioux tribes visiting to partake in the mountain's miraculous healing abilities, which the wičháša wakhá attributes to a particularly strong flow of Wak'ą, the animating ur-force of life that the Lakota people believe in.
The settlement was abandoned when a tribal war between the Lakota and the Haudenosaunee people broke out in the 18th century. The site was deserted, and later desecrated and destroyed by European colonialists.
In 1927, construction began on Mount Rushmore Memorial, with local representatives of remaining Lakota tribes warning that the mountain is sacred and not to be disturbed. Disregarding these warnings as nothing more than idle superstition, construction continued as scheduled.
During construction, the construction crew tapped into a pocket of energy deep within the mountain. This energy ███████ ██████████████, and the monument was completed regardless in 1941. The energies that ███████ from the mountain are believed to ███████, causing minute changes in the ███████ interaction, and coalesce in some teenagers, bestowing supernatural abilities on them.
The mountain itself seems to be ██████████████, ███████ ██████████████. All further investigations need to ██████████████, with special care being taken to █████████ the affected children.
[ Section omitted on order of the Department of the Interior. ]
Under no circumstances are the children allowed to ███████, and the department of the interior is authorised to ██████████████ however necessary.
███████, March 2007.